How can we help?
Canny Marshall is here to help you find new audiences, to design communication strategies and to develop the right resources to make it all happen. Specialist expertise in culture, museums, tourism, festivals and heritage.
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Latest Posts Boxes

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Carefully crafted elements come together into one amazing design.

  • Well Canny Marshall has been born, well not really born, but dreamt up by me, Karen Marshall a marketeer and a tourism expert from the North East. I want to work with lots of interesting people and make things happen. That’s it for today. ...

  • The truth about work/life balance  As the months tick by it surprises me how different life is now I’m not commuting to a ‘proper job’. I had clear ideas of how being self-employed would make it easier for our busy little family to manage the......

  • Working with David Bilton at DGB Events we have submitted a funding bid to NBSL (Northumberland Business Service Ltd) and successfully received funding to improve their marketing. If you’re a business in the North East looking to grow in turnover or staf...