01 Mar Marketing support with 40% funding!
Working with David Bilton at DGB Events we have submitted a funding bid to NBSL (Northumberland Business Service Ltd) and successfully received funding to improve their marketing.
If you’re a business in the North East looking to grow in turnover or staffing you may be eligible.
DGB Events are looking to develop their customer base. Their existing market has dramatically changed due to the reduction in public sector spend, where much of their business came from.
At Canny Marshall we looked at how DGB Events are currently communicating with clients and where new business could come from to developed a plan, which included:
New website
- Blogging
- E-newsletter development
- New client database
- Social media activity
- Networking and advice
- New product development
Canny Marshall worked with DGB Events to submit a quote and a project outline to NBSL to see if the project would qualify for funding. It did and DGB Events are now getting 40% of the cost of the project back from NBSL.
It’s all about making North East business more profitable and competitive. You can apply if you have just started your business, or if you’re looking to develop or expand. We’d recommend you have a look at www.nbsl.org.uk for more information and to see what help and advice they can offer.
If you want to ask us more about the project we’re involved in, just drop us a line
It’s all good!
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