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Canny Marshall is here to help you find new audiences, to design communication strategies and to develop the right resources to make it all happen. Specialist expertise in culture, museums, tourism, festivals and heritage.
Speed Up & Slow Down - Canny Marshall
Canny Marshall worked with Torbay Culture to produce a new guide to enjoy the English Riviera. Speed Up & Slow Down shows you how to enjoy the Bay slowly in spas, by walking and sightseeing up to adrenalin pumping coasteering with wild swimming in between.
cultural tourism, speed up, slow down, cannymarshall, english riviera, visitor, activities
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Speed Up & Slow Down

About This Project

This project is part of the Great Place Scheme delivered by Torbay Culture and partners. The goal of this project was to encourage new cultural visitors to the area by developing and sharing new itineraries, guides, experiences and trails.


Initial research highlighted that the authentic English Riviera cultural experiences should be built on the foundations of literature, the landscape and the activities on it as well as artisans and makers. This was developed into the four pillars of:


1) Speed Up

2) Slow Down

3) Well Read &

4) Artisans and Makers.



Writers on the Riviera was produced in 2019. Celebrating Agatha Christie and other famous literary figures connected to The Bay. The project included a printed trail, supporting social media videos and content on the website including podcasts to bring the trail alive.



Speed Up and Slow Down – the second guide – was produced in 2020, both a printed and digital guide and a web app.

“Dive into adrenalin-fuelled activities, or kick back, switch-off and relax. Historically a centre for health and wellbeing, the English Riviera continues to be a place of relaxation and exploration. Go coasteering or soak up 800 years of history at Torre Abbey. Wild swim, mild swim, join the bustle of the airshow or just take a restorative breath of that famously revitalising sea air … and gaze at the bay.”


Part of this project included a web app, a light hearted fun way to tell people what activities are available on the Bay.

Speed slow leaflet web

Business, Copywriting, Design, Digital, Strategy, Tourism