How can we help?
Canny Marshall is here to help you find new audiences, to design communication strategies and to develop the right resources to make it all happen. Specialist expertise in culture, museums, tourism, festivals and heritage.
#SWDANCING - Canny Marshall
Canny Marshall, Karen Marshall, marketing, devon, marketing course, canny marketing club, marketing support, teignmouth
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Audience Development, Digital, Hands on, Strategy
#SWDANCING, Dance, South West
About This Project

Canny Marshall worked with Gillian Taylor PR to design and deliver a campaign to highlight dance taking place in South West England.


Commissioned by Pavilion Dance South West, this blast campaign took place over summer 2018, predominantly on social media, bringing together the work of artists, choreographers, teachers and practitioners to highlight the importance of dance, culturally, artistically and for wellbeing.


The #SWDANCING campaign brought together all genres of dance and showed how dance is for all, anything from professional companies to support groups for those suffering from dementia. Over three months the campaign reached over 634k social media accounts. The toolkit is now available for further campaigns.